Call for Artists

Music for Your Eyes Event – first weekend in October
The ACW is hosting the Music for Your Eyes art exhibit the first weekend of October that will incorporate music as its theme and will include local musicians.
The art can be inspired in any way that you interpret music into art.
Theme: Music for your Eyes
Timing: October 3rd – 5th
Thurs, 10/3, 6pm – 8pm
Fri, 10/4, 6pm – 9pm
Sat, 10/5, 10am – 1pm
Location: The Albion Cultural Exchange in Wakefield at 9 Albion Street
Registration Form
Registration Fee: Per artist – ACW members: 10$ / non-ACW members: 15$
Drop Off Art: Monday, 9/30, from 5pm to 7:30pm at the Cultural Exchange
Primary Contacts:
Andy Levine ( )
Kathy Frey (