ACW Meeting 11/15/23 7:00pm At the Cultural Exchange

To all Arts Collaborative of Wakefield members and friends,
Happy Thanksgiving!
A couple of ACW meeting, event, and activity reminders:
The next Arts Collaborative of Wakefield (ACW) meeting is this coming Wednesday night, 11/15, at 7pm at the Albion Cultural Exchange building at 9 Albion Street, Wakefield.
The next ACW ’Drop In & Art’ is this coming Tuesday, 11/14, from 10am to Noon at Albion Cultural Exchange building at 9 Albion Street, Wakefield.
For the December Artisan Sale on 12/1 and 12/2, there are a couple of tables left. Contact Kathy Frey if you are interested in being a vendor.
Agenda November 2023:
Upcoming ACW events:
December 2023, 1st weekend: Winter Artisan Sale.
There are a couple of tables left, reach out to Kathy Frey if you are interested in being a vendor.
Friday, 12/1, 5-8pm
Saturday, 12/2, 12-5pm
December Meeting / Holiday Party
February: ACW member exhibit at the Blake Gallery at the Beebe library for the month.
Future Events:
April 2024: ACW Spring Show. Theme is ‘Tell Me a Story’
Start to form committee
‘Drop In and Art’ Monthly meetings –- 2nd Tuesday and 2nd Wednesday of the month
See below for details
Mailing List and Newsletter: Updates from co-chairs, Andy and Emily
Website and Instagram updates/reminders
Update your ACW Website content – send any updates to Joy
Send photos to Andy to post on the ACW Instagram account; send to:
ACW Kitty:
Starting Balance: $463.40
Additions: $237.25 (Proceeds from Creatures and Critters registrations fees, after expenses)
Ending Balance: $700.65
After Meeting Discussion Forum
No topics for November
Any one want to lead the discussion in January 2024?
Other Topics?
‘Round the Room’ – Art Events and Happenings updates
Congratulations to the ACW for celebrating its 12th year!
Calls for Art:
Dec 2023 – 1st Weekend
ACW Holiday Sale event at ACE on 12/1 and 12/2
Details :
Friday 12/1, 5pm to 8pm Set up: 3pm
Saturday, 12/2, from 12pm to 5pm Set up: 10am
Location: Albion Cultural Exchange (ACE) building at 9 Albion Street, Wakefield
The event is not juried and there is no registration cost or commission to the ACW
Participants are to bring their own tables.
Set up starts at 3pm on Friday and at 10am on Saturday.
Folks who are in both days are welcome to leave their work overnight.
Promotional Info will be provided to participants to share with their social media and networks
To register: Please send an email to with the dates you plan to participate.
‘Drop In and Art’ Sessions at the ACE presented by the ACW
Come join ACW members and friends for some art time in the company of local artists. This new event is held monthly on the 2nd Tuesdays and Wednesdays of the month. Bring your own art supplies and hang out with other artists to chat, get inspired, help with a bit of creative block, or whatever! More details are below.....
Adult artists are welcome to drop in for as little or as much of the session as they like.
Media suggestions include, but are not limited to: drawing, stitching, knitting, sketchbook/journaling, collage, dry felting, jewelry making, carving wood or linoleum.
2nd Tuesday from 10am – Noon and 2nd Wednesday 7pm- 9pm
After Meeting Discussion Forum:
February: Instagram – what it is, how to use it, etc....with Jamie and Joanne
April: Social Media for Artists with David Kay and Joanne Jolly Kay
September: Photographing Your Artwork and How to Upload discussion with Joy
Future Topics:
Sketch booking and Journaling practices discussion with Liz Noble
Website Building discussion with Andy
Examples of possible future topics:
How to get out of an artist block
What inspires you as an artist?
Plan an upcoming Field Trip – events & locations
ACW Calendar:
February: ACW member exhibit at the Blake Gallery at the Beebe Library for the month.
April: ACW Spring Show. Theme is Tell Me a Story; location: ACE building
October: ACW Fall Show. Theme is TBD; location: ACE building
December: ACW Winter Artisan Sale on the 1st weekend of December; location: ACE building
February: ACW had 7 members exhibiting at the Blake Gallery in the Beebe Library for the month.
March 26: ACW Artisans Sale as part of the Reading Symphony Orchestra Concert – ACW Members Sale
June: “From the Ground Up” Art Show: Opening reception and then Thursdays & Fridays in June
June: ACW exhibit at the Beebe Estate in Melrose: Opening reception and then Saturdays in June
October: Fall Show - Theme is Creatures & Critters
December: Annual Winter Artisan Sale on the 1st weekend in December
February: ACW had 8 members exhibiting at the Blake Gallery at the Beebe Library for the month
March: Many ACW members participated in the Arts & Edibles art show at the ACE building. Members were exhibiting artists and event hosts
Summer/Fall: the ACW was a guest vendor once a month at the Wakefield Farmers Market on North Ave.
October: ACW hosted the Creatures and Critter Art Show for the month of October.
November: ACW had 7 members exhibiting at the Blake Gallery in the Beebe library for the month.
December: Stoneham Library exhibit space - a one month duration with a dozen ACW artists.
Annual Winter Artisan Sale: 1st weekend in December. Over 20 local ACW and other artisans participated in the annual ACW Winter Sale.