ACW Meeting 2/15 7:00pm at the Cultural Exchange
ACW Meeting Agenda February 2023:
Recent/Current ACW events

February: Beebe Library – Blake Gallery exhibit - one month duration.
Participating artists: Pick up your work on 2/28 anytime during the day; please let the library desk know that you picking up your work
Upcoming ACW events – See more details further below
March 26th: ACW Artisans Sale as part of the Reading Symphony Orchestra Concert – ACW Members Sale
2023 Events
See 2023 list below
ing List and Newsletter: Andy and Emily are co-chairing this ACW new focus area
Website and Instagram updates/reminders
Update your ACW Website content – send any updates to Joy
Jamie is always happy to receive artwork to post on the ACW Instagram account; pls send to her at:
ACW Kitty:
Starting balance $ 569
October show expenses: $ 76
New Ending balance: $ 493
October 2022 show expense receipts:
Joy Schilling – 76$ - Misc show expenses
Other Topics?
Round the Room News to Share – who’s exhibiting where? Upcoming art events? etc...
After Meeting Discussion Forum Topic:
February: Jamie to lead off the discussion on Instagram – what it is, how to use it, etc....
Joanne Jolly Kay contributed the attachment on Instagram
March: open for topic and topic host
April: Social Media for Artists with David Kay and Joanne Jolly Kay
May: open for topic and topic host
xamples of possible future topics:
How to get out of an artist block
What inspires you as an artist?
Assets for Artists
Plan an upcoming Field Trip – events & locations
Upcoming Events:
March: ACW Artisans Sale as part of the Reading Symphony Orchestra "Mythical Tales of the Middle East" Concert – ACW Members Sale
March 26, 2023 afternoon (exact set up and open times are TBD)
The ACW has been asked again to be the before/after concert and during intermission ‘event experience’ for the Reading Symphony Orchestra’s March concert at the Galvin Middle School. We did this event right bef
ore the Covid 19 shutdown in 2020 and it was very successful sale for the members who participated. Exact times for the 3/26 event are TBD but could be set up starting at 1:30 and then take down after the concert at 5:30. Please let me know if you have interest in participating. More details are to come on this one!
Kathy and ? are coordinating
In process of confirming cafeteria space with the Galvin Middle School
Set Up Date/ Time: TBD
Break Down Time: TBD
Promotion will be key and will be in coordination with the RSO
Confirm member interest / participation
Spring Show at ACE Building
Subcommittee: Joy, Andrea, Tanya, and Joanne
Theme/Show Name; TBD, but will be nature related
Likely in June due to May conflicts with ACE building events
ACW Calendar:
February: ACW member exhibit at the Blake Gallery at the Beebe library for the month. 7 members are participating.
March 26: ACW Artisans Sale as part of the Reading Symphony Orchestra Concert – ACW Members Sale
Spring: ACW Spring Show: Dates and Theme are TBD – targeting June.
Summer/Fall: Tentative - the ACW could be a guest vendor once a month at the Wakefield Farmers Market on North Ave.
June: ACW exhibit at the Beebe Estate in Melrose – starting planning in March
October: Fall Show - Theme is TBD
December: Winter Artisan Sale
February: ACW had 8 members exhibiting at the Blake Gallery at the Beebe library for the month
March: Many ACW members participated in the Arts & Edibles art show at the ACE building. Members were exhibiting artists and event hosts
Summer/Fall: the ACW was a guest vendor once a month at the Wakefield Farmers Market on North Ave.
October: ACW hosted the Creatures and Critter Art Show for the month of October.
November: ACW had 7 members exhibiting at the Blake Gallery in the Beebe library for the month.
December: Stoneham Library exhibit space - a one month duration. About a dozen ACW artists exhibited
Annual Winter Artisan Sale: 1st weekend in December. Over 20 local ACW and other artisans participated in the annual ACW Winter Sale.