ACW Meeting 8/16 at 7:00pm at the Albion Cultural Exchange

Agenda August 16, 2023
Upcoming ACW events:
October - “Creatures and Critters” Art Show. Hosted by the ACW at the ACE Building
Committee formation
Committee Jobs Descriptions
Call to Artists
‘Drop In and Art’ proposal
Review and finalize proposal (see below), including suggested dates
Next step is to finalize arrangements and pilot session dates with Dan McGrath
Mailing List and Newsletter: Updates from co-chairs, Andy and Emily
Website and Instagram updates/reminders
Update your ACW Website content – send any updates to
Send photos to Andy to post on the ACW Instagram account
ACW Kitty:
Starting Balance: $413.40
Additions: $50.00
Ending Balance: $463.40
Opportunities to display your art:
The Stoneham Library has a wonderful area to display art! If you’re interested in pursuing this as an individual artist or with others, please reach out to the contact person, Maureen Saltzman, at 781-438-1324.
After Meeting Discussion Forum Topic:
Next topic is for September and is Photographing Your Artwork for the website and How to Upload discussion with Joy
Congratulations to the ACW for celebrating its 12th year!
Other Topics?
‘Round the Room’ – Art Events and Happenings updates