ACW Monthly Meeting 9/13/23

The next Arts Collaborative of Wakefield (ACW) meeting is Wednesday night, 9/13, at 7pm at the Albion Cultural Exchange building at 9 Albion Street, Wakefield. The change to 2nd Wednesday of the month is only for the month of September; October mtg will be back to 3rd Wednesday and be on 10/18.
ACW Meeting Agenda October 13,2023
Upcoming ACW events:
October - “Creatures and Critters” Art Exhibit and Sale and the 5x7 Small Works Fundraiser. Hosted by the ACW at the ACE Building
Committee updates
Future Events – Confirm/Finalize Dates and Themes (to be added to ACE Building 2023 and 2024 Calendars)
December 2023, 1st weekend: Winter Artisan Sale
Friday, 12/1, 5-8pm
Saturday, 12/2, 1-6pm
April 2024: ACW Spring Show. Theme is TBD
October 2024: ACW Fall Show. Theme is TBD
December 2024: ACW Winter Artisan Sale on the 1st weekend of December.
Friday, 12/6, 5 – 8pm
Saturday, 12/7, 1-6pm
‘Drop In and Art’ proposal
Initial pilot to kick off in October.
2nd Tuesday and Wednesday of the month
Tuesdays: 7pm- 9pm
Wednesdays: 10am - Noon
An email to members and friends will be forthcoming with the details
Mailing List and Newsletter: Updates from co-chairs, Andy and Emily
Website and Instagram updates/reminders
Update your ACW Website content – send any updates to Joy
Send photos to Andy to post on the ACW Instagram account; send to:
ACW Kitty:
Starting Balance: $463.40
Changes: $0.00
Ending Balance: $463.40
After Meeting Discussion Forum Topic:
September Topic: Photographing Your Artwork and How to Upload discussion with Joy
Congratulations to the ACW for celebrating its 12th year!
Other Topics?
‘Round the Room’ – Art Events and Happenings updates