Everything you need to know Creatures & Critters and PAWS Small Works Fundraiser
Creatures & Critters Art Show and a separate exhibit, the PAWS Small Works Fundraiser.
Artists can choose to participate in one or both events.
The focus of the main gallery Creatures & Critters Art Show is animals. Up to 4 artist submissions, of any size or medium can be priced for sale or not for sale. Any artwork sold has to stay on display in the gallery until the end of the month. Sales, payment and delivery will be handled by the artist and buyer.

PAWS Small Works Fundraiser offers artists a chance to create, donate and display small 5x7 pieces of art in the foyer for sale for $10.00. All proceeds from small works will be donated to PAWS of Wakefield. Not only will the fundraiser allow friends, family and visitors to buy some affordable, cool art but also help out a worthy animal protection cause in the process. PAWS Small Works artwork, displayed in the foyer will be available for sale on a first come first served basis. Yes that’s right, for only $10.00, visitors to the show can select a small work then pick it off the wall and take it home. Anyone can participate.
Creatures & Critters Art Show and PAWS Small Works Fundraiser
Albion Cultural Exchange, 9 Albion Street, Wakefield, MA
Thursday October 6, 13, 20 and 27 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Friday October 7, 14, 21 and 28 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Saturday October 15 from 10:00 - 2:00
Saturday October 22, 29 from 10:00 - 1:00
PUBLICITY POSTER TO SHARE WITH THE WORLD see the Press Kit (#5 on the TO DO LIST) for more images and information to add to your own publicity
Checkout our calendar frequently. We are adding new events and special guests everyday.
Answer the Call Call to Artists Creatures & Critters and PAWS Small Works Fundraiser
Edit and finalize your label information by September 30, 2022
PAWS Small Works Artists do not need to register or fill out the form, drop off donated artwork on 10/2 from 3:00-5:00 or 10/3 from 5:00-7:00 at the Cultural Exchange. If you make more 5x7 PAWS donations after the drop off times … The show runs for the month of October, during the month if you create more 5x7 donations bring them during the times we are open and we will add them to the wall.
Use the Creatures & Critters PAWS Small Works Press Kit Let people know you are a part of the show. Invite friends and family. We are counting on you to bring in the crowds. In other words, do not count on other people to publicize this event.
Share your artwork and/or donations ahead of time on instagram and tag us https://www.instagram.com/artscollaborativeofwakefield/
Sign up to host Each date needs two gallery hosts and one PAWS fundraiser host. Everyone should sign up for 2 hosting slots.
Gallery hosts will talk to visitors in the main exhibition
The PAWS fundraiser host will be in charge of collecting donations to PAWS and coordinating 5x7 sales. Instructions will be provided
On the day that you sign up to be a gallery host, you are welcome to bring additional works to sell in person, a table will be provided, promptly take your additional work away at the end of your slot
DROP OFF at Albion Cultural Exchange, 9 Albion St, Wakefield, MA.
Sunday October 2 from 3:00 - 5:00
Monday, October 3 from 5:00 - 7:00
PICK UP at Albion Cultural Exchange, 9 Albion St, Wakefield, MA.
Saturday October 29 from 1:00 - 2:00. No early birds.
Still have questions after reviewing all of this information?
email joy.schilling@gmail.com